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Os esclarecimentos e informações prestados nesta página têm apenas a finalidade geral e pouco específica de como redigir seus próprios documentos de Política de Privacidade. Você não deve se fiar neste artigo como orientação jurídica ou como recomendações sobre o que você deve efetivamente fazer, pois não podemos saber de antemão quais são as políticas de privacidade específicas que você deseja estipular entre a sua empresa e seus clientes e visitantes. Recomendamos que você busque orientação jurídica se precisar de ajuda para entender e criar sua própria Política de Privacidade.
Privacy Policy - fundamentals
That said, a privacy policy is a statement that communicates some or all of the ways in which a website collects, uses, discloses, processes and manages the data of its visitors and customers. It usually also includes a statement regarding the website's commitment to protecting the privacy of its visitors or customers, and a clarification of the different mechanisms that the website implements in order to protect privacy.
Different jurisdictions have different legal obligations as to what must be included in a Privacy Policy. You are responsible for complying with legislation relevant to your activities and location.
What to include in the Privacy Policy
In general terms, the Privacy Policy usually regulates the following issues: the types of information that the website is collecting and the way in which it collects the data; a clarification of why the website is collecting these types of information; what the site's practices are regarding sharing information with third parties; ways in which your visitors and customers can exercise their rights under relevant privacy legislation; specific practices regarding data collection from minors; and much more.
To learn more about it, check out ourarticle.